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2009-04-20 08:36:51
Last author: Jitter
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How to post your entry:
Add your image after the last one that has been already posted. Number your entries, and separate them with the <hr> tag. Don't forget to write your username and the title of the entry!
<b>Your Poem Title</b>

Your poem's content
Which may not exceed limit
Of fifty lines

Written by [YourUsername]


1. Something different

It's a trifle strange, you know,
When you're a flaw in the mechanism,
A twisted part of something bigger.
It's funny, when you think,
When you look around
At the bigger picture
Only to find you're
Nothing more
Than a puppet poised on
Another's strings.

It's okay, they'll say
And they'll laugh.
You were only
Born this way.

It's a little bit odd
To know that you
Were built,
Spawned only to
Wreak suffering.

It's far more riddling, I find,
When you're thinking a different kind
Of thoughts, that drifts around your head.
And then instead
Of feeling dirty, you're feeling kind
Of pretty and get a sick satisfaction
When it ends.

Written by [Chimes]

2.Life's Staged

I hope my costume is alright for today’s party,
The cast is getting rather grating and I fear,
That my mask may slip and shatter,
Leaving my like a naked butterfly with no pattern.
I don’t want to look boring, or bright,
Dark or light, against,
Those blinding curtains hung around the world.
I wonder what would happen if everything fell off,
If everyone was left alone and on stage,
In nothing but a smile and forced,
Look of life behind the mask.
To entrance and entertain the audience.

Written by [Rice]

3.Mad Kutha

In Kutha when the lights were blue,
when first the fires shone baleful
faces, I found wisdom amongst
the fumes. Drink ye the mead of Old
Kutha! Drink, drink the mad poison
of Kutha!

Lo, the stars are right:
Fierce Nergal rides the lame Sea-Goat,
Sin above the rubble rises
so high over Ishtar tonight.
Drink ye the mead of Old Kutha!
Drink the mad poison of Kutha!

Young men, why are we speaking still?
The mead is drawn, the cup is full.
The time is for forgotten ways –
for dreams of fire & of stone –
to put flesh back upon dry bone.
So drink ye the cure of Kutha!
Drink hard, drink deep, of mad Kutha!

Written by [Mekashef]

4.the one

the one is in your mind. he invades your thoughts and dreams.
he hears your laughs and screams. the only one you will ever find.
he comes unnoticed, creeps through your veins.
he comes to hold you, your mind, he stains.

i am the one, none can deny, i am the one so don't even try,
to hide yourself, to deny yourself.
because to deny me is also to deny your very thoughts, your dreams.
deny the blood in your veins, the wind in your hair.

do not deny me, for when you do,
your world starts to die, the reality becomes untrue.
love me for being the one, ill never lead you astray.
ill guide you and hold you, all through your day.

and at night when you sleep, protect you i will.
until your hair turns gray and your heart grows still.
and then i will reveal myself, and lead you away.

i will take you home, to the place where i stay.
beyond anys reach, a glimmer in your mind.
love me for being there, by yourself you'll never find the way.

love me, for being who i am, youre one and only.
i am not the devil, but i am not holy.
i am the one, none can deny, for to do so, would be to truly die.

Written by [Drixt]

5. Fogged

He stumbled, screaming in the smog,
Scared of the dark, but more of the fog.

He fumbled, shivering, while counting his shots,
The chamber spinning round like slots.
He emptied a roulette of threat,
Into the streaking silhouette.

It tasted his sweat. 

I found him in a candlelit clearing.
Warmed by the moon,
I buried his body. 

Written by [Doormat]

6. Creature of the Void

Alone he stands, the world is gone a terror to behold
Blasphemous name, and reckless way are only his to know
Beyond the ring, outside the fringe doth the void now go
Barren rock, and shattered lanes are but hints to his domain
Screams of terror, visions of blight serve only to his delight
Scion of night, servant of agonizing terror beyond minds sight
Beware the creature of the void, his terrors seldom known
He stalks, and walks among us, his cattle we are in droves
From darkness he came, the absence of light the true prince of the night
No warning he gives no heed he takes, nor preference to the victims he makes
Heartless and cold, devoid and alone, thus is the creature of the void.

Written by [Talos Cyrion]

7. The Red at 7:10

The scorching sands that scourge the trees,
The darkness of the evergreens
This time of night, or after-day
When shadows come to dance and lay
Hypocrisy at sullied feet,
Do nothing but a soul defeat.
All the words, the drunken rhymes,
The messages in perfect time,
The faceless movement, sullen eyes,
The pacing toward and through demise--
All again for nothing won,
Nothing gained, nor nothing sung.
They ask the whys, the whens and hows,
The questions fast, the answers now:
Why fire burns as bright as this,
Why sickly people still exist,
How worlds were overturned today,
How life extinguished still remains;
When will the eyes of angels see?
When will the hate inside them be
The strength of future breath and life?
Life--I know enough of life
To know this only truth:
The skies are red at 7:10
Each night or after-day,
When bloody battles fuel the pens
And angels come to slay.

Written by [Nite_Owl]

8. Follow the leader

On the crowded, lonely alleyways
a winding cobblestone hell
underneath a glaring sun
we walk, forward, for nothing

Sell your soul for a copper penny!
a street vendor cries
beckons with yellowed, rottening smile
that holds no promise

So the children are content to stare
eyes wide in fear or awe—
the rocks are heavy in your grasp
and someone turns to lead you away

In another place
you would lie down, sigh
let the snow angels bless you
with their cold lifeless embrace

Here, hours crawl by
they circle around as a cage—
who told you to come?
One no longer remembers.

Written by [Linderel]

9. Mannequin


You poor wooden model,
Your scorched arms bring me joy
That look of misery you show
It’s a sideshow I enjoy.


Your screams of agony send me signals--
And flashes of mercy and regret
Pass me by as I watch--
Myself crush your hand in a grate.


The shudder of pain across your
Forehead---startles me still.
Poor bastard that I torture.
Bloody child I adore.


It’s a sport that takes it’s time
Pushing needles through your fingers
And spurs across your back.
There will never be remorse.


It’s cold in the morning
But warm in the ground--
I’ll bury you by a tree---
And deep so it burns like Hell.


The animals wear your entrails
Like freshly ironed corsets.
They wear the moisture of
Your skin like a jacket.


Do you feel the pulse of your leg?--
As it bends and snaps
With all the weight
Of the chains. Yes.


I’ll kill you sweet pet--
But not yet.
We’ve still so much to do
Playing----as we do.

Written by [Chetleon]

10. The Intruder

The lights were out.
The phone was dead.
I was lying quietly in bed
When I heard the breaking of the glass
The lifting of the latch
The opening of the window
In the room below.
I heard the creaking of the stair
Yielding to the weight that was there.
Thankfully, I was only dreaming.
I woke up screaming.

Written by [stevedoyle]

11. Fade Away

Twisted images of an imagination unknown
The dreams of a life forsaken
Shattered memories of a forgotten past

Sanity is but a crumbled page in the book of my life
Distorted images tell the tale of what once was
Followed by what has not yet been written

A glimmer of hope shines upon this novel life
Darkness cast aside into obscurity
Set free to start again this act of mindless self-indulgence

Written by [Fractured Memories]

12.Dark And Lonely

Lost out in the darkness
not a single soul wonders
through here tonight
not even an animal
matter of fact
I asked myself
why is it so quiet
Why is it so dark
every light around is out 
I asked myself then started to wonder
if I was the only one here tonight
A voice in my head
said out of no where
you're all alone
the voice in my head
keeps repeating over and over
then starts to laugh
look what you've done
you killed them all
the evil voice said to me
Why are you doing this to me I asked
the voice says because you know I'm right
then tears start rolling down my face
how could I let this happen
because your evil the voice calls out

Written by [Heather Thomason]

13. In Bluebeard's Chamber

When he left he locked no doors
And gave me a cool white egg.
He told me not to enter his chamber.

With the egg cradled like a child,
I had searched every room in the house but one:
The forbidden room, which smelled faintly even though the door was closed;
It was the horrible smell that eventually drove me to disobey my husband.

Terror was all I could feel when I entered. So much blood!
I dropped the egg, I must admit, and it rolled
Through the puddles of blood on the floor, which stained it, and between my feet.
It stopped at the boots of my husband, the monster, who stood behind me.

I screamed but he did not hear. I pleaded but he did not listen.
And now, here I am, in pieces upon his chamber floor.
The cool egg is red and white now
It is clutched in one hand that lies on the other side of the room.
My heart in my breastbone beats no more.

Two more ended in the same way after me and a third came after them.
The third had left her egg behind and put the last two together again.
All three fled together and my husband walks his house no more,
I do not ever hear his footsteps or his deep growling voice.
Their happy end has come; his undeserved happiness is gone.
But what of the other brides? What of me?
Are we to lie in pieces on this chamber floor forever?

Written by [Buried Moon]

14. Fate

I'm tearing at my skin again
And I just want you to bury it
The shame and sadness you hold

Bury me again with your words
Use me, abuse me, leave me, loose me
Bury me, bury me, please baby
Bury me

Bury it like a dog with a bone
Like a widow without a home
Like a convict in jail
Like a rainstorm without hail

Bury the bad and bury the good
Dig the shovel deep and let it go
Release the pain, the hurt

Bury me again with your words
Use me, abuse me, leave me, loose me
Bury me, bury me, please baby
Bury me

And leave me in the ground to rot,
To suffocate, to die
Please bury me
And let me die alone.

Written by [Alexi Ice]

15. Sick Slide to the Bottom

Small things go first.
The time,
The names,
Her face,
Blackened toast.

Your inner child
Flew into a tantrum.
Spilled memories on the carpet.
Now he’s picking the wings
Off of your self respect.
Watching it crawl
Haltingly through the years,
Painstakingly losing the battle with life.

Who you once were
Surfaces to breathe from time to time
And is dragged back under.
The toddler remains
To soil the bedsheets again.

If you knew yourself anymore
Knew reality anymore
You would die of shame.
As it is
You die shameless.

The bruises you leave
On loved ones’ arms
And hearts
Are not yours.
They are the infant’s
As he scribbles nonsense in your head,
Tracks filth on your dignity,
Leaves you for dead.

Written by [Maeve104]

16.Pure Distortion

You called me beautiful-
You still do every now and then...
But it's all based,
On this lying face...
She smiles for you-
The only way to get through the day.
Did you know,
That's the only part of me
You've ever seen?
You wouldn’t think my wrists
Were as pretty.
Of course you wouldn’t.
You'd probably like it
If I just stayed silent.
You watched me crying that day.
Asking what was wrong.
I say as I always do
"Nothings wrong, I'm fine."
While inside I'm screaming
Walking away
Thinking to myself
That’s it, I cant take it anymore.
You're so blind, you can't see inside me
If you tried.
Maybe you can't understand me because
You won't...
Who wants to waste their time
On a broken little girl?
You called me beautiful-
You still do every now and then...
But it's all based
On this lying face.
She smiles for you-
The only way to get through the day.

Written by [empty_soul]

17. Misery

Do you think you can control me?
Do you have any idea "master",
of who I really am?
Of what I really am?

You summoned me during the time
that your feelings poisoned your mind
You cried about everything
but acted about nothing.
Now look at me and grab my arm,
do not worry, I won't do you any harm.
At the gloomy corners of your thoughts,
I lay in a bed of thorns,
following every step you take,
turning your love into hate.

Who I really am?
What I really am?

Around your lips, see my name dance
but it's too late for a second chance.
I am a sweet evil, an innocent sin
that pierces your brain like a pin.
Now look at me and grab my arm
Do not worry, I won't do you any harm.
You've already done enough
without my help for that.

Who I really am?
What I really am?

I am your Misery.

Written by [Rochala]

18. Make Me Remember

Wish I could talk about it,
My dreams that never stood a chance.
Got reminded and felt liberated,
Forgot and now feel down.

He held me still as he raped me;
My resistance didn’t stand a chance.

Paint over this memory;
Make me remember.

Written by [Leb]

19. A Dark Prayer

Sit, young children,
Before the Master of Ails!
And prepare thyselves 
To be regaled,
With a story pitched like blackest tar -
I quickly suck you in.

To a town of poor
With pebbled streets,
And pointed corners,
Where the shadows meet,
(‘Tis filled with precious little sweet):
This is where our tale begins.

There is a child,
With gossamer hair;
Against the cold
She crouches there,
At the corner of despair -
She is waiting for her daddy.

The hours pass,
In deadly still,
And the shadows whisper
Through the chill,
“He’s not coming. Not tonight.”
“He has forgotten.” Had he?

But wait! Around the corner!
Comes the burning of a light -
A lantern swinging in the void
That brightens up the night.
A man approaches, tall and lean,
To lead her by the hand

To hearth and warmth,
Then up to bed:
(His hands are resting
On her head).
Now, are you ready for the dread?
She’s never met this man.

Every cold and dreary night,
Her story is the same.
Awaiting rescue from the dark,
She with the golden mane,
Stares up the winding web of streets
And prays, “Please, not again.”
She prays, "Please, not again."

Written by [quantumkitten]

17. Goodnight
You captured me with your uneasy smile,
So sudden and secure.
I thought the violence was worth the while,
That somewhere you were kind and pure.
While you get tangled up in someone else’s web,
I am left to face this hell, alone.
You sold me like a slave,
Your victim of twisted mayhem.
The morn’s rays never touched my side,
For you never let them.
You tied me in heavy chains,
And let me plead for freedom!

I followed you home, like Mary.
You killed my little lamb.
I came to praise you on my knees,
You told me you did not give a damn.
You are no longer beautiful,
For that mess you’ve made.
You spun her ‘round your finger,
And then pulled the rope tighter.
Her whisper still remains.

The pistol lay heavy in your hands,
Nothing left to oversee.
You left your will to bother them,
And yet, you left nothing to me!
I hate you for all that you’ve done
And all that you were.
I loathe you for the rhythm you left in my head
And what you did to her.
I hate the way you stare at me,
With eyes casing over white,
At least now I have the strength to bid you
This final and fare-not-so-well, goodnight.

Written by [sweet.tx.tea]


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2009-01-21 [Nite_Owl]: The general rule is don't submit something you wrote for a different official contest, especially if it won on any level. It just gives other people a chance :)

2009-01-21 [Fractured Memories]: It wasn't a contest. It was just poetry corner thing where if it met the criteria it was accepted meaning there are no winners. Which is why I thought it'd be ok. If it was a different contest I would have not submitted it.

2009-01-21 [Nite_Owl]: That's what I was trying to imply--if it isn't an official contest, it's fine to enter :)

2009-01-21 [Fractured Memories]: I see. Thanks for the info.

2009-01-21 [Alexi Ice]: Mine is probably just a place holder for now..any comments?

2009-01-21 [Linderel]: It has a song lyric kind of rhythm to it... nice. :)

2009-01-21 [Alexi Ice]: Thank you! *hug*

2009-01-22 [Chetleon]: Hmmm. . . I think I may have one of the darkest poems on this page. Yippie.

2009-01-22 [Linderel]: It's also a bit borderline. :P

2009-01-22 [Chetleon]: Ah, come on, it's not that bad.

2009-01-22 [Nite_Owl]: Hmm...I'd agree, it is borderline acceptable, but I guess it'll be up to better men than I to decide :)

2009-01-22 [Chetleon]: Well, I don't think it's overtly graphic if that's what you're talking about. The violence is imaginiary as he's talking to an inanimate object, that or he's treating a human like an inanimate object and doing his best to impress.

2009-01-22 [moira hawthorne]: doesnt anyone here watch CSI or any of the other hundreds of cop crime shows?

2009-01-22 [Alexi Ice]: I love all your poetry, Ethan..I think it is amazing.

2009-01-22 [Chetleon]: Thanks Mitsuki.

2009-01-22 [Alexi Ice]: No problem at all ^^

2009-01-25 [Maeve104]: Oh, wow. I went back to add the number to my entry and [Linderel] was already on it! hehe. :D

2009-01-25 [Linderel]: I'm fast :P

2009-01-25 [Chimes]: Like a ninja... XD

2009-01-28 [Maeve104]: *giggles* Is sneaky, sneaky.

2009-04-10 [Alexi Ice]: When is this competition closing?

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